Introducing the Beyond the Uniform Podcast

I wanted to announce a new aspect to my project to help active duty military personnel navigate their transition to a civilian career - audio interviews with veterans sharing information about their industry, how they got started, and advice to other veterans. When I first started this project, my intention was to provide data and insights to help active duty military personnel better understand their civilian career possibilities. My goal was to help them make the decision that was best for them and their family - whether that was to remain in the military, get out, or have more confidence in their transition timing.

As I've connected with more and more veterans, a common thread has emerged - one of the biggest resources during their transition was speaking with veterans who had gone before them. During these conversations, they could have someone explain to them - in terms familiar to those on active duty - the ins and outs of their industry, function, and company. There was also an appeal to having someone with a similar background explain what they liked and disliked about their job, as well as advice on how to navigate their transition.

In order to add a qualitative complement to the data I've started to put together, I wanted to compile a series of 20 different interviews with a range of veterans. I've found each of these interviews enlightening and inspiring, and I hope that you do as well.

My first interview is with Blake Lindsay who, after graduating from the Naval Academy in 2007 and serving as a Surface Warfare Officer, transitioned directly from the Navy to the world of Management Consulting with McKinsey & Co.

In addition to providing a great overview on the Management Consulting industry, Blake also does a great job explaining the pros and cons of pursuing a graduate degree after separation the military. His interview is full of great advice and tactical tips for those considering transitioning from the military to a civilian career.

I've put together Show Notes, which provides an overview of the interview, links to the references Blake mentions, as well as a guide to the different points of time in the interview and what topics we discuss (in case you'd prefer to jump around rather than listen straight through).

You can listen to the interview and view the show notes here.

As always, if you have any feedback, advice, or questions, feel free to leave a comment or contact me any time.